Healthy food

Confirmed by animal feeding experiments, LycogenTM has the following advantages

  1. Increased liver and kidney metabolic rate, and increase type I procollagen of the skin and organs(Detail)
  2. Enhanced blood antioxidant, protecting body tissues(Detail)
  3. Protecting the spleen, prostate, reducing the peroxidation(Detail)
  4. Improve the liver and kidney GSH, and protection of the liver and kidney effects(Detail)
  5. Enhance the activity of liver enzymes GPX, protect the liver due to excessive oxidative damage(Detail)

Increased liver and kidney metabolic rate, and increase type I procollagen of the skin and organs

Serum biochemistry of LycogenTM feeding in mice

red:significance difference

Control: placebo, low dose: 25mg/kg, high dose: 100mg/kg, feeding 30 days.

Type I procollagen and LycogenTM dose

Control: placebo, low dose: 25mg/kg, high dose: 100mg/kg, feeding 30 days.

Body weight of mice and LycogenTM dose

Entrustment company: Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science

Enhanced blood antioxidant, protecting body tissues


血漿中白蛋白、總抗氧化能力與-生育醇含量如表所示,於三組間並無顯著差異。雖然在兩個鐵劑注射組(CFe, LycFe)的血漿總抗氧化能力看來有提高之現象,但是與CFe 組相比未見有統計上的差異。

Protecting the spleen, prostate, reducing the peroxidation


  • 組織脂質過氧化情形以TBARS為指標其結果如表三所示。
  • 結果指出,Fe 劑注射確實會顯著提升組織脂質過氧化情形,但是菌體茄紅素的長期餵飼可降低脾臟、前列腺兩組織的過氧化產物,因此具有顯著的保護作用。
  • Superoxide dismutase(SOD)超氧化物歧化酶檢測。

Improve the liver and kidney GSH, and protection of the liver and kidney effects.


  • 組織抗氧化成分以還原態GSH 為主要測定項目。且因為Fe 劑注射會大量消耗組織GSH 含量((Toyokuni 1996)。
  • 肝臟、腎臟與脾臟的GSH 含量皆顯示鐵劑注射確實會使組織GSH 下降,然而菌體茄紅素之餵食則可以顯著提升肝、腎臟與微量提升脾臟GSH含量。
  • 前列腺的GSH 量於三組間並無顯著差異,顯示前列腺的抗氧化能力並非透過GSH消耗之途徑所致。

Enhance the activity of liver enzymes GPX, protect the liver due to excessive oxidative damage

  • 肝臟、腎臟分別是抗氧化酵素活性最高與次高的器官,因此測定此兩組織的酵素活性。
  • 結果如表所示: 肝臟SOD 與catalase 兩酵素活性於三組間並無顯著差異,但是GPX 活性則以Lyc+Fe 組顯著高於其餘兩組。這些結果說明,菌體茄紅素具有誘導肝臟GPX 酵素活性之特性,且為保護肝臟避免過氧化有關。
  • 腎臟的抗氧化酵素活性在三組間皆無顯著影響,但實驗中確顯示具有抗氧化的保護功能,可能腎臟抗氧化的保護功能非來自此三類酵素的活性。